Customer service

How to get started with AI in customer service? Find your use cases for artificial intelligence in customer service for your customer relationship management.

more contacts | more sales | more customer loyalty

Support request

Automate your customer inquiries. Route complex requests to your dedicated support team and let customer support chat live with your customers.
Offer your customers dedicated automated first-level support via chat
Resolve customer inquiries 24/7, quickly and easily
Refer complex requests to your support team in real time via live chats

Helpdesk & FAQ automation

Automate your most frequent customer requests and reduce the workload of your customer support staff.
Automate your FAQs
Continuously train your knowledge base
Save customer support costs
Be available 24/7 for your customers

Live chat

Communicate live with your customer and use Chathero’s knowledge base to solve customer inquiries quickly, structured and efficiently.
More efficient than a phone call
Capture leads and drive sales in a more personal way
Help your customers in live chat and build a personal customer relationship with them

Want to learn more about how Chathero can push your business?

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